Finding your true North

When your GPS is recalculating.....

Welcome to Lilrose Girl

We are all on a journey. Composed of seasons, stages, highs, and lows. Our paths are paved with newly laid asphalt, potholes, dirt roads, and severe weather. In this technological time we are lucky to have a GPS built into our phones. Even with this luxury we still make a wrong turn or are detoured of our destined path. The glorious words.....recalculating magically appears, and we are again headed in the right direction. We can easily get knocked off or even run ourselves off of our direction in life. God is faithful to always recalculate and help us back on our way to our destination.

My Recent Post

four across


Update: I posted this in my last blog in 2016, Every word still rings true...


Welcome to Lilrose GIrl. I hope you find comfort, relatability and life in this content...