
Update: I posted this in my last blog in 2016, Every word still rings true. Seasons of life have changed, and growth has happened. My babies are 26, 24, and almost 18 now. We have experienced so much since then as a family. As life happens, we grow, Christmas has been difficult the last few years. We have all had to redefine how we celebrate, perceive this precious day. We have let in grief, choosing to continue to love, celebrate, sometimes with gritted teeth and tears. Honestly, with a lot of tears, sadness and less celebration. Each year has included growth, resulting in less tears and more depth of appreciation and understanding of the reason for the season. We harness more ability to empathize and love those experiencing hurt, and tragedy. We hold the truth of God’s faithfulness, love and redemption in our daily lives. I pray that this season you cherish the memories, time and presence of your family and friends. May God bless you today and through the year to come.

Christmas is a special time of year. Our hearts hold sweet childhood memories, intertwined with visions of creating new family memories. Though many of us hold this season so dear, there are others with broken hearts struggling to push all memories aside and quickly move through this holiday. These struggles highlight the reason we celebrate, to bring hope. Our Savior was brought forth this day. Sharing the joy, love, hope and kindness He embodied, this IS our reason for rejoicing. Sharing these heart gems with all of those around us can change someone’s life. Offering forgiveness to those who we are at odds with, a smile and a kind gesture to a stranger, these are so small but can carry such weight to a weary soul. These are the life lessons I share with my kids, the traditions I encourage them to carry on.

               What traditions have you carried on with your family? Have you started your own? I love traditions, they create glorious connections of memories with those we love. Thinking back on my childhood, I remember attending my grandparents’ church for the Christmas Eve candlelight service. We would drive home slowly, stopping to admire the beautifully lit houses. My brother and I with great anticipation would race into the house waiting to see what was left under the tree. We were one of the houses Santa visited first on Christmas Eve (wink, wink), so we all gathered around the tree and opened our gifts.

               Living on the East coast with my family still on the West coast, I am determined to create new traditions. We chose not to have Santa visit our house each year. Instead, we read the biography of the generous good-hearted man, St. Nicholas. We celebrate Jesus’s birthday, blessing others to carry on St. Nicks great tradition. I began my creation of traditions with each family member yearly adding an ornament to our tree, a representation of all that year held. I cherish each year unwrapping and reminiscing of these memories as we hang our ornaments. I look forward to sharing this with my grandchildren, telling the stories of their parent’s youth.

We added the Elf on the Shelf a few years back. Since we don’t do things by the rules, LOL, he can be touched, as we know he doesn’t report back to Santa. He does, however, interact and has become an awesome little play pal with Jadon. He does crazy things each night, the days that become a struggle for Jadon to complete school, obey rules, you know those “character building” days, the next morning, Elfie sends a message of correction and encouragement to keep trying.

As a child opening my stocking was my favorite part of presents, so many little treasures. Stockings remain such a joy for me. So many gifts clustered together, like an explosion of fun. Thankfully this has carried on with my children, each year they look forward to the certain items that are “givens”. Stockings are jam packed with cute socks, calendars, chap sticks, favorite candies, little trinkets, pencils, wacky pens, plus anything I find throughout the year that would add a surprise. I fashion each stocking to the individual personalities and stages of their lives. Remembering the little details of their likes and dislikes brings such joy to my heart; they know the thought I put into each item specially chosen just for them. This small act is just one way to show them my love. So, what will you carry on this year?

 I would love to hear about your traditions! Maybe you have decided to start a new tradition this year. It is never too late. Even as grandparents you can create a treasured memory with your grandchildren. Baking cookies, making handmade ornaments, random acts of kindness, working in a soup kitchen, buying a gift for Toys for Tots, you have so many choices out there.

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